CPUMon is a CPU monitoring application for Windows users. The application is rather simple and has no other purpose than monitoring your processor. However, it is nice to keep an eye on the most important component in your computer. The application features a lot of displaying options, which all display the same, but fit your needs. You can choose any update sample time that you want, which is the time lapse between checks. You can set the gadget to a certain transparency level, so that you can keep it on top of other applications and use it at the same time. You can even set it on your tray and put the mouse pointer over the icon to see some graphs. Also, CPUMon comes with advanced programming that allows the application to know exactly what your CPU is, and treat it accordingly. Although not the best, it also comes with a memory checker, which tells you how much memory your system is using, how much is free, and the usual. For a freeware application, there is really not much more that we can ask, other than a good working application, which this is.